Friday, May 12, 2017

Open Letter to the Dude That Hit Me

Warning - NSFW language

Pretty sure he'll never read this, as his life has moved on and I'm guessing at best "our" crash is nothing but a hazy memory for him - if it even holds that status. So this "open letter" is mostly to get some things off my chest that I've felt the need to say.

You, sir, are an ass.

And that's kind of the nicer of the terms I sometimes use.

Trust me, I get that with riding (and especially racing) motorcycles, shit happens. Happens to all of us, we make a bad judgement call, and if we're unlucky, we may drag someone else into our stupidity. It's one of the unfortunate aspects of the sport. Good sportsman, however, take responsibility for their actions and will go out of their way to, at the very least, apologize and do their best to help the other person out (as much as you would in a "no-fault" environment).

I'm not sure if at some point you did or did not give a very fleeting apology, but if you did, it was disingenuous enough that I have zero recollection of it. You had another day and a half to make it clear that you felt bad about the fact that you made a mistake, and I paid a really fucking high price for your ego-driven need to not sit behind a girl for one corner in the middle of a training class. Therefore, my only conclusion is that you didn't give a shit. We also became FB friends that weekend, and I have NEVER gotten so much as a "hey, how's it going, sorry things are so fucked up" note.

While your life has moved on, Mr. Testosterone, mine is still a daily battle to try to keep my leg, function alone, and get through this alive. All because you just had to have that pass. And were too much of a spoiled brat to even think that maybe, just maybe, the person who's life you destroyed for the next year, the person who, for the rest of their given days will NEVER be allowed to forget this day since every-single-step they take will serve as a reminder of your stupidity, deserved a real apology.

Yes, I'm pissed. Pretty sure rightfully so. If I ever see you in person again, you had best be presenting yourself with the most humble, groveling apology known to man, or don't get anywhere near me. I am not sure I could contain myself or if this pent up rage over having my year, life, and foreseeable racing career destroyed, delayed, and who knows what other impacts, will surface and you will, at minimum, get an earful of exactly the kind of worm I believe you to be....and to be honest, at this point, I'm not sure I'd stop there.

All I needed was an apology, a sign that you felt bad that it happened, and that you had some iota of concern for the person who's life you have forever altered.

There are very, very, VERY few people on this planet who I have come to loathe. You, sir, at this point, are one of them. If by some unknown reason you get wind of this letter, the truth is that I'm a pretty forgiving person - a little humility and concern on your part would go a really, really long ways towards repairing my opinion of you. In the meantime, however, you have officially been placed on the extremely short list of people (um, I think there's only two of you on there) who I do not ever want to see in my entire life. Or maybe I do because then I could get some satisfaction from at least knowing you were aware of what a piece of shit you are in my mind.

Now I shall go return to the nightmare that my life has become. Thanks, asshole, for not even being apologetic that I now am facing the scariest things I have ever had to face because you just had to have that pass. In a fucking training class.

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