I'm nearly a week into "weight bearing" status, and my first PT appointment is tomorrow. In this time, things are moving along, although I'm trying not to push too hard, either. The first couple days I didn't feel like I could do much more than I could before I was "released" and even then my foot started protesting - loudly - the new situation. Not my ankle, not the leg, my foot!
But, despite that, progress has been slow but steady. Over the weekend I rode a scooter around while watching the races, and by day 3 that was pretty easy for me to manage, so I figured managing a bike this week would be do-able. Monday I swapped back to my (manual) truck and drove that home - boy was I glad I had been using that leg for a few days, I'm not sure I could have managed the truck even a few days earlier. That clutch is STIFF.
I was able to drive it, and got it home. Today, I decided to get on the bike and see how that went. Overall, the commute in to work went pretty well. Balancing and moving the bike didn't prove to be too difficult. Downshifting (gp shift, so pulling up) was a bit of work, but got easier as I went along. Getting on and off was okay, not great, but I can lean on the bike for that so that was okay. Honestly the worst part was getting in and out of my gear! In order to get into my leather pants my foot needs to straighten out to about it's max right now, and squeezing in is tough - doable, but tough.
Unfortunately, day 1 was a process. I had to find everything, I had to decide what gear to wear, I had to get it all together, and then I have ZERO routine. I tried to bring the crutch, that was too hard to get on the bike, so cane it was. But, despite my misgivings, thus far it hasn't been too bad. Hopefully I can keep the forward progress going!
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