Monday, February 27, 2017

Oh, the Apprehension

Well, my follow up with my orthopedist is on Wednesday, and I'm mildly terrified. After my last follow up he seemed to think there was a chance he may release me for weight bearing after this next appointment - well, that day is almost here.

That may seem like great news - "woohoo, we may be free!" The problem is, it's a big MAYBE. The issue is that if 'maybe' becomes 'no-go', I'm screwed. The owner of the automatic truck I've been borrowing so I could drive needs his truck back. My own truck is a manual. I don't know anyone else who has an extra vehicle I can swap with  I don't know if my work will be able to keep reimbursing my Lyft costs so I can get into the office.

Since "maybe" has two options, yes or no, and it's completely up in the air how that coin will land, and one of the two options leaves me in a lot of big pickles. Granted, that coin could fall the other way and life may finally move on, but as of right now I can't count on that and I'm mildly freaking out. I'm not usually one to freak out, but this has me freaking out.

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