This past Wednesday was my 6 week (more like 5 1/2 week) post-op follow up. I knew this was going to be the big on finding out whether things were moving along above average, normally, or poorly. I was apprehensive, and scared to here something like "indefinite, we'll see you in a month." I've been working hard to set myself up for the best outcome, but that doesn't always mean that's what you'll get.
I'm happy to report that things are progressing well. Overall, he felt like I was doing great, and he was pleased with where things were. The only outstanding concern is this stubborn blister sore that has hit a point where it's just stopped healing. I'm a little concerned it may have developed some slough over this part when it was still covered by the steri-strips (which I eventually pulled off because I could tell there was too much gross underneath them). It's a small wound, but it's not moving along. I may have to up the ante on that one.
Other than that, however, things were looking good. My ortho is of the opinion "wait until it's fully healed, then just move to full weight bearing," none of the progressive weight bearing some do. In his opinion, the risk of something going wrong in partial weight bearing far outweighs any benefit that might be gained. In my current case, I would have to agree with him - unless there are issues with something like a non-union or something, I agree that it's not worth the potential of severely/permanently messing things up.
So, my next appointment was set for 3 weeks out, when he seems to be under the impression there's a good chance I'll be looking at moving to weight bearing. I'm guessing there's going to be a steep re-learning curve going on, and it's probably going to hurt like a mother-f'er. but at least I'll be walking again - or attempting to LOL.
IF everything goes well, and I'm cleared to weight bear after the 1st, there's a good chance I'll shoot for making the first AFM round of the season - I'll be super slow, no doubt, and will probably only sign up for a couple/few classes because of that, but I think getting out there would do wonders for my soul at this point. This is something I'll have to play by ear, depending first on my report card in 3 weeks, but also on how quickly (or not) the leg starts standing up to things. If I can't ride the street bike, no way I'd attempt to race.
I also got cleared to begin using the stationary bike with no resistance, so hopefully that will help me build up some muscle again and get back into the swing of things that way, plus providing a little cardio again. If I can get back into the routine, I must admit I'm really looking forward to it!
Other than adding in the bike, and adding a little more work activity into my life, it's another 3 weeks of continuing what I've been doing - PT 2-3 times a day, working on getting some minor muscle work back in with my resistance bands, and I may see what my chiro can do as well. Keeping up on the supplements and starting to work on getting back to a healthier diet so I don't lose the weight loss I've managed!
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