Friday, February 24, 2017

As Time Goes On

The past couple weeks have been pretty routine - I've been in the office 3 days a week, just putting my leg up on my desk on a pillow, the hell with looking "professional." I've also been back at my part time job one weekend day a week.

Last week I started back to my chiropractor and a massage therapist. I also got going on the stationary bike. Overall, all of that seems to be helping, and my pain levels are definitely dimishing, although being the light sleeper I am it's just enough that as I'm falling asleep it'll bug me enough to keep me up - SO annoying, but one pain pill seems to be enough. Kind of annoying I need it to get to sleep, on the other hand, it's nice to have a few pain-free hours. I don't need anything else to stay/get back to sleep, just that initial falling asleep.

I'm feeling like I'm ready to think about walking on this thing, but I'm trying to be good until my appointment. I'm REALLY hoping for good news, I'm getting desperate for some reprieve, and sympathies seem from friends and work seem to have run their course, even for the most tolerant.

The swelling is becoming less and less of an issue, even when I don't elevate as much, so that's a good thing. I'm STILL dealing with that stupid fracture blister sore though! My doctor requested I keep it dry at my last visit, so I decided to give his advice a try - OMG, that was a bad idea. The wound got a nasty looking scab on it, started weeping again, and got BIGGER. Um, nope. I gave it a week, then I said the heck with that and went back to how I was treating it. In 12 hours, the nasty scab and stuff came off. Not quite a week after that I got some calcium alganate honey-infused dressings to see if I could get the wound to clean up. I've been using that for about 4 days now, and it looks like a nice, clean wound, although the edges don't seem to be creeping in like I would hope, but they've been sloughing off some thin pieces, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Overall though it looks WAY better. I have no idea why some doctors still think a moist wound will grow more bacteria when it's been proven over and over that is not the case....oh well, my doc is a great surgeon, but he's not a wound care specialist, so I'll go with my own research on this one.

Other than that, my toe-touch weight bearing has been fine, the bicycle has been good, as has beginning to stretch out the bigger muscle groups. The leg is feeling a little bit stronger, and has something that looks like it might turn into a muscle again someday. I'm still really hoping for some great news at my next visit and a chance to make it to the first race round of the year. Silly, maybe, but it would do SO much for my mental state (which is still pretty blah). We shall see. I have a busy weekend in front of me, followed by a couple work days plus an event, so it'll probably be here before I know it.

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