Sunday, January 1, 2017

Introduction and Back Story

I'm starting this blog partially out of frustration, and partially to share my experiences. There are a lot of blogs out there about people going through the process of dealing with a broken leg. While it doesn't seem that terrible at first, the reality is that it is a life-altering experience, even if it's "only" a portion of your life.

Part of why I'm sharing is that, unlike many of the other stories I read about, I'm having to deal with this alone. I live across the country from family, I don't have a boyfriend or significant other. I'm single, living in a second story, tiny little mother-in-law unit with no family or other people "obligated" to help me nearby.

Don't get me wrong, there are a number of friends who've gone above and beyond to help me through this, and I don't know what I would have done without their help. The issue with relying on friends is the simple fact that they are not 'obligated' to help you. While I've gotten help when I needed it most (like a ride to and from my surgeries), there are things you end up dealing with alone that aren't easy.

So, I'm sharing my tale here, partially to just vent, but also to help others who may be going through something similar.

For a bit of back story: I'm a 38 year old female, who road races motorcycles. That is my passion and driving force in my life. Of course I have a career and some side hustles, but racing is what pumps energy into my life and gives me that spirit that I've seen other jealous of. Most of the time, I'm pretty upbeat and driven - quiet and introverted, a realist, but I like to think we take control of what we can in life and we have more power over things than many seem to think they do.

I'm pretty good at doing things on my own, partially out of necessity, partially out of stubbornness.  Thing is, when you're as single as I am right now, if you want to do the things you love, you need to be able to do it on your own (at least for the most part). This means I've learned to be pretty self sufficient. I was also raised that way, being the oldest child in a farm family, there wasn't room for sympathy for my plight, and I had to figure it out on my own. That's how I've lived my life. Enter now, however, the broken leg. Read on for that story....

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