I'm nearing the halfway mark on the IV antibiotics. With the okay of the infusion nurse I've adjusted the schedule a bit to allow some better sleep because that was causing a number of issues for me, besides general exhaustion, it also makes me cranky and I don't deal with life's little curve balls very well when I'm suffering from a lack of sleep.
Thus far that slight adjustment is helping a bit and I'm finding myself a little less cranky and not fighting sleep the entire day.
Other than that, it's just the ongoing daily routine. Add in moving, and track/race schedules and I'm not getting much down time, but that's probably a good thing as I still can tend to find myself slipping into a pretty negative space pretty easily. There are reasons for that, and they are legitimate concerns, but it doesn't improve my day to day to be in that place, either.
So, overall, just taking one day at a time, and staying busy. Looking forward to getting moved as I really am tired of my commute, and today's traffic just verified that for me yet again LOL. A week and a half, but I need to get my house prepped before that since the moving estimate was pretty high compared to what I think it should be, so I intend to have things as prepared to cut that cost down as much as I can.
At the moment, at least, my leg is feeling better. Guessing that perhaps this infection had been brewing right along, just hadn't manifested until it was irritated. My biggest fear, however, is that the infection will resurface and I simply won't kick it. Heck, it's probably something I'll have to worry about the rest of my life even if things seem okay for now.
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